
Studio updates.

Upcoming: Exhibition in Florence in June 2019

An impossible wardrobe for the invisible at Manifattura Tabacchi in Florence

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If I could, unless we

A Nightwalk through Manifattura Tabacchi curated by Linda Loppa during Pitti Uomo in Florence, [June 10, preview] June 11 - June 14, from 21:30 to 00:00 at Manifattura Tabacchi, Via delle Cascine 33, 50144 Florence

I was invited by Linda to show, for the first time, the original video installation project for ‘An impossible wardrobe for the invisible’ for seven simultaneous film projections - just as it was originally conceived in 2011.

Lara Torres

Showing ''An impossible Wardrobe for the invisible" in Buenos Aires in 2019

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On tour

An impossible wardrobe for the invisible will be continuing its tour next year to Argentina, opening in October 2019 at the National Museum of Decorative Arts, in Buenos Aires as part of Who-What-Who exhibition, celebrating ten years of fashion artefact.

Lara Torres
Showing "An Impossible Wardrobe for the Invisible" in Beijing

Artefact as political voice


WHY-WHAT-WHO on tour

WHY-WHAT-WHO, a touring exhibition of work from selected alumni and staff at London College of Fashion opens at BIFT Science, Art and Fashion Festival.

Exhibition Hall
1st floor, BIFT PARK
Beijing, China

Private View: 19 October 2018
18.00 – 21.00

Opening event: 20 October 2018
09.00 – 09.30

Lara Torres
Casa dos Narcisos | experimental cultures

September 2018 Flowers at the Botanical Garden of Coimbra - House of the daffodils

casa dos narcisos


On September 24th at 6pm at the Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra in Portugal, a collaborative project with performer Sónia Baptista at the invitation of Culturas Experimentais. Exploring the relation between nature and fashion.

Lara Torres
Non-fashion 2018

National Center for Contemporary Arts of the Republic of Belarus

men sinking to the floor

Showing "An impossible Wardrobe for the invisible" at the National Center for Contemporary Arts of the Republic of Belarus, in Minsk at "Non-fashion" opening on June 5. 

Lara Torres
State of fashion 2018

Unmaking at Arnhem Biennale

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Showing my film 'Unmaking' at State of fashion 2018, the successor to Arnhem Fashion Biënnale, State of Fashion is organised by Foundation Sonsbeek & State of Fashion and curated by Josè Teunissen

State of Fashion is the first large-scale international public event that is entirely devoted to sustainable and honest fashion. The first edition will take place from 1 June until 22 July 2018 in the Melkfabriek in Arnhem.

Lara Torres

Kalmar konst museum in Sweden 26/05 - 30/09 2018



Showing 'Unmaking' and 'An impossible Wardrobe for the invisible' at @Kalmarkonstmuseum in Sweden : TRANSFASHIONAL Experimental fashion in the context of contemporary art 26/05 - 30/09 2018 Curation by Dobrila Denegri


Lara Torres
Transfashional, Experimental Fashion in the Context of Contemporary Art

MuseumsQuartier Wien



MuseumsQuartier Wien

frei_raum Q21 exhibition space
Exhibition Opening: Thursday, 7th December 2017 at 7 p.m.
Duration: 8. – 20. 12.17, 13-20 h.
Opening: 7.12., 18-22 h.
Artists & designers: 
Manora Auersperg & Konrad Strutz, Anna-Sophie Berger, Christina Dörfler-Raab & Jasmin Schaitl, Lisa Edi, Afra Kirchdorfer, Kate Langrish-Smith, Maximilian Mauracher, Ana Rajčević, Anna Schwarz, Lara Torres, Janusz Noniewicz, Dominika Wirkowska, Wojciech Małolepszy, Robert Pludra, Fashion and Product Design departments of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Margarita Slepakova, Clemens Fiechter
Curated by: Dobrila Denegri

Lara Torres
Symposium on Unmaking
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SYMPOSIUM 10am-5pm, 11 Nov. 2017

Arts-research symposium, featuring a day of talks and other interventions.
This symposium puts forward Unmaking as a form of resistance. The taking apart of technology - whether algorithmic or mechanic - is a step in reaching new understanding, whether cultural, historical, or technical. The focus on movement in this process, for example through choreographic, musical, textile, or political action, provides common language for discussion across disciplines. The symposium is convened by the PENELOPE project, where the mythological figure of Penelope from Ancient Greece provides a universal paradigm of unmaking.

Old Post Hall, Sheffield Institute of Arts, Fitzalan Square, Sheffield S1 2AY
Tickets: £17.50 (£15 with concert pass)

Space for Fashion Thinking and Practice: Review, Reflect, Revise

Space for FashionThinking & Practice:

Review, Reflect, Revise

This symposium draws on Fashion Research Network's interdisciplinary approach and brings together the themes of FRN discussions from the last five years to highlight future areas of collaboration, practice and dialogue. 

Get your tickets!

Coventry University London - University House
109-117 Middlesex Street, London
E1 7JF

Transfashional Warsaw

Transfashional - Warsaw

Experimental fashion in the context of contemporary art exhibition

19.05. – 04.06.17 Opening 19.05.17 19:00

Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art

Lara Torres