Research as part of the Fashion, Textiles and Material Futures R&I Group at the University of Portsmouth
Commoning situated knowledge: co-teaching-and-learning the ‘design-led upcycling’ of waste clothing
Dr Elaine Igoe, Mrs Sue Noble, Dr Lara Mendonca Guterres Torres & Jennifer Cunningham, 15 Jun 2021, State-of-the-Art Upcycling Research and Practice: Proceedings of the International Upcycling Symposium 2020. Sung, K., Singh, J. & Bridgens, B. (eds.). Springer, p. 79-85 7 p. (Lecture Notes in Production Engineering).
Conference contribution
Students work left to right: Maddie Gillespie; Alex Sincaru; Sharlene Bouche-carter; Scarlett Mitchell; Rita Ferreira Rodrigues; Amy Hunt; Eleanor Bell-Doyle. Photography by David Clark
This study examines the introduction of a ‘design-led upcycling’ group project into an established design and enterprise curriculum structure with second year students on BA (Hons) Fashion and Textile Design at the University of Portsmouth, UK. It reflects the common experience and situated knowledges of academic, technical staff and students contextualised within the changing imperatives of design education. Rogowska-Stangret (2018) outlines how Donna Haraway’s situated knowledges work like an apparatus of producing ‘... a more adequate, richer, better account of a world, in order to live in it well and in critical, reflexive relation to our own as well as others' practices of domination and the unequal parts of privilege and oppression that make up all positions’ (Haraway, 1988, p.579). With this as a pedagogic aim, academics and technicians re-evaluated their established teaching and support methods in relation to upcycling in design.
Original language: English | Title of host publication: State-of-the-Art Upcycling Research and Practice | Subtitle of host publication: Proceedings of the International Upcycling Symposium 2020 | Editors: Kyungeun Sung, Jagdeep Singh, Ben Bridgens Publisher Springer | Chapter 16 Pages 79-85 | Number of pages 7 | ISBN (Electronic) 978-3-030-72640-9ISBN (Print)978-3-030-72639-3DOIs
Publication status: Published - 15 Jun 2021 Event: International Upcycling Symposium 2020 - De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom | Duration: 4 Sep 2020 → 4 Sep 2020
Symposium Website

Photography: David Clark | Students work left to right: Amy Hunt, Ellie Bell-Doyle, Melissa De Beer, Madelaine Gillespie, Ashley Bassett, Courtney Hinks, Ellie Ball and Katie Mackay from the second year of the BA (Hons) Fashion and Textiles Design at the University of Portsmouth