Spring . Summer 2010
Presented at the Lisbon Fashion Week, 33 Edition at Cidadela de Cascais 8 to 11 October 2009
Collaboration with the artist Ana Santos
and the dancers Aline Veiga Loureiro, Ana Trincåo, Joana Rebelo and Lara Pires
Photo: Rogério Martins
Operating in a space-time relation by evoking the past through a research about three-dimensional structures and clothing-sculptures. Pieces that define the space around the body, provoking an interest in exploring the threshold between you – the body – and the external world.The body constitutes both subject and habitat. Subject becoming habitat. Consider this action of becoming a process of adaptation and assimilation more related to the act of forming than with the form itself. In this context I understand design as a rhizomatic interaction between humans and the world around them.

Photos: Rogério Martins
Photos: Rui Vasco Courtesy of the Lisbon Fashion Week
Concept and design Lara Torres in collaboration with Ana Santos Collaboration for Jewellery Catarina Dias Assistant Thomas Mendonça Sound Daniel Barroca Press Helena Mendonça
Ana Trincão (Lisbon, 1981) Graduated in fine arts, student of the course of research and choreographic creation of the Forum Dança Graduated with the 5th grade by the Royal Academy of Dancing in classical ballet. She was a resident artist of sitio das artes, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Co-creator of the piece "Untitled until Today" (07). During 2008 she was a collaborator of CENTA, in the area of ance. He develops work in the area of horeography, installation and video.
Aline Veiga (1981) She is a dancer who interprets and develops works of her own in the dance and Performance. He graduated in dance in Iowa, USA and at the Teatro SESI-Minas, Brazil. She also studied at the Balletschule of the Leipziger Opera (Germany) and Balletscule
Öterreichischen Bundes Theater Wiener Staat Oper (Austria).
Joana Rebelo (1981) She has a degree in law. She trained in theater, contemporary dance and butoh. Having participated in projects and integrated the cast in various pieces and performances, In these areas. In his training and projects, she worked, among others with Marie Gabrielle Rotie, Nick Parkin, Peter Michael Dietz, Maria Reis Lima, La Fura Dels Baus and Tiago Guedes.
Lara Pires (1984) Graduated in 2003 in Cardiopneumology from the Superior School of Porto, attends the second year of the Performative Arts of the Escola Superior de Technology and Arts of Lisbon.
Thanks to Associação ModaLisboa, António Santos, Laurinda Cunha, Nuno Gueifão, Andrea Brandão, António Bolota, Daniel Barroca, Catarina Dias, Gonçalo Pena, Helena Mendonça, Nuno Sousa, Thomas Mendonça, Ana Trincão, Aline Loureiro, Lara Pires, Joana Rebelo, Rogério Martins, Rita Gonçalves da Adidas, Malcolm Sewell , ÉME, Raquel Pinto, ao LAB, Griffe-hairstyle e a toda a equipa da Modalisboa.
Sponsor ADIDAS