Photo: Joana Dilão
13 JAN 2022
THU 21:00
14 JAN 2022
FRI 21:00
15 JAN 2022
SAT 19:00 at the main auditorium of Culturgest Lisboa
Sónia Baptista, Joana Levi, Josefa Pereira, Gaya Medeiros, Raquel Melgue, Maayan Sophia Weisstub, Cire Ndiaye, Eduardo Raon, Mariana Gomes, Daniel Worm and Lara Torres
In Ancient Greece, beautiful and good were considered to be inseparable concepts. The contemplation of beauty was supposed not only to produce wonder and delight, but also to bring the spectator closer to a wish for justice and a desire for higher ideals. But, over time, the cult of beauty has also had its detractors. Beauty, they maintain, is a mere distraction from what really matters. More than beauty, it is ugliness that leads us to transcend the appearance of physical matter and that opens our mind to the truthful and the haunting perception of the sublime. As if it were a transcendental shock, a creation of the mind, in which terror and pleasure are mixed together.
At the end of the day, we can show the grace of what we have because our disgrace is beautiful for others.
The ugly seems beautiful to those who love it.

Photos: Joana Dilão
Photos: © Lara Torres Work-in-progress from home-studio during Christmas break
I am starting this project up-cycling a 1960’s Ex Cargo military pink parachute [G. I. Joe Army Stores Wholesale Ltd] as a source for materials.