Fashion practices of un-making 14.05.2019 1pm - 4pm
Photo: Lara Torres
Starting from a talk focusing on the theory of fashion practice in the expanded* field to practical experimentation, this workshop promotes the exploration of notions of memory and fashion: A practical laboratory of interdisciplinary nature that engages with the development of processes of experimental composition of garments. Introduction to innovative materials to the fashion discipline, with the use of materials such as latex and plaster in the production of experimental clothing. Through the use of the old tradition of plaster moulds and the use of natural latex reproducing ‘found items’ from their original form into a memory – as a disruptive voice regarding productivity and functionality in design methods.
*beyond garments as fashion media
Photography: Pascal-Maechtlen
Photography: Pascal-Maechtlen
Photography: Pascal-Maechtlen
Photography: Pascal-Maechtlen
Photography: Pascal-Maechtlen
Photography: Giulia Bonali
Exhibition 17.05.2019 4pm
Photography: Pascal-Maechtlen